Duncan Therrell is a multi-talented artist, singer, and songwriter from the Carolinas. He is the lead singer of the Carolina-based band "Lost Foxes". He has also composed music for various books and audiobooks, including Plutopia by C.M. Chiang and The Postbox Clock by Sarah Dean. Furthermore, he is a filmmaker and shares his work on his personal YouTube channel.
Brighton Nelson is from Missouri but currently calls the Carolinas home. This is his first major creative venture. He’s currently developing a video journal on social media, inspired by the work of Isa Haltam, and hopes to expand his video portfolio to include deep dives and short films. Professionally, he plans to study music business and work as a manager for bands and artists.
The founders of the project stumbled upon a sticker while taking a walk near a Starbucks, which sparked the initial idea. The sticker advertised a local band. They both wondered how many people truly pay attention to those stickers. A few days later, Therrell came up with an idea for a worldwide online logbook. To make the idea more interesting, he reached out to co-founder Brighton Nelson. Together, they brainstormed the idea of making the logbook only accessible to those who were curious enough to find it. They decided to use dynamic QR code stickers placed all over the world. These stickers can either be sought out or stumbled upon randomly. Once someone scanned a sticker, they would be directed to a website where they could enter their name, country, and state. After submitting, they would be redirected to the online logbook page. Additionally, there is a page where people can purchase a sticker pack, which would further extend the reach of the project. This method would bring together curious individuals from all over the world.
“As much as this is an interesting art project, it's also more of a social experiment,” said Therrell. “In that sense of seeing what people will do, you know? Seeing how far people will go.” This project is an effort to unite the creative and curious internationally. “Ideally, this project will still be going 50 years from now,” said Nelson. Duncan Therrell and Brighton Nelson use this project as a way to kickstart a long-term and widespread community.