Imperial house of United State
Kingdom of new United State parliamentary monarchy
This kingdom is a Tetrarchy Gov
Chief Emperor King Ludwig Falkenstein Hasburgo Sobieski Stewart Tudor De La Vega
Emperor of USA
Courtesy title
King Donald Trump Washington Virginia
King of USA
Prime Minister Lord Divas Chandra Sarkar
Prime Minister of kingdom of new United State
Homeland Security / CIS.
Marques of Washington / General 7 star
Government of USA, Local Government, and other.
King Ludwig Falkenstein Hasburgo Sobieski Stewart Tudor De Vega decree this patent in May of 2019.
We have declaration of sovereign of kingdom of new United State.
By decree King Ludwig Falkenstein edit constitution of United State in the part of nobility title and royalty
King Ludwig Falkenstein is absolute. He can change constitution by absolute power. He change amended this clause and we add a kingdom of new United State monarchy and constitutional government.
The new state has a different version of flag of USA and coat arm special prepare to the kingdom.
The enclave is not established formally.
However King Ludwig house and Washington DC is enclave unofficial. We want a house of United State with a hall of throne and your crown that coming soon.
The Tetrarchy Gov used by the kingdom of new United State gives the opportunity to new rulers and new leaders to participate in the Tetrarchy council.
We offer a few nobility title of the kingdom of new United State. Count, Baron, Lord, Lord of Manor to the people who want to participate and pass our requirements
2 nations in one: monarchy nation and constitution nation.
The monarchy of United State is act.
The kingdom is in organization yet but believe in some moment all part together.
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