World of Warcraft has got over 10 million subscribers since the release of Warlords of Draenor. But it seems Blizzard is not content with that, and they are trying to blaze new trails to bring back those subscribers who may have let their subscriptions lapse. Have you prepared enough WOW gold cheap fast for its landing?
Veteran Account Mode in WOW
Early this week, WOW 6.1 PTR datamining revealed that something called a Veteran Account would perhaps be introduced at a later time. And Blizzard Bashiok has clarified that the lapsed accounts will be reverted into a Starter Edition "mode" in 6.1, but attached to some restrictions. But it will never be used to any great degree externally, but simply be the default state for accounts that don't currently have an active subscription.
Restrictions for Veteran accounts
In the F2P mode of WOW, Veteran Edition has similar restrictions to "Starter Edition" accounts which let you play the game for free, up to a point.
1. Level restriction. Players can only reach a certain level, like 20 similar with a Starter Edition account.
2. Money caps. A Starter Edition account can collect a maximum of 10 world of warcraft gold, but it still doesn't specify what those caps for Veteran Accounts.
3. Calendar events forbidden. Like Starter Edition accounts, Veteran Edition accounts would not allow modifying calendar events, shouting, whispering to players not in the Veteran's friends list.
4. Unable to sign guild charters, invite other players into groups and several other unspecified features and actions.
So far, it is still a mystery about what access players would have differentlt from a Starter Edition account. Certainly, it is possible to be stranded finally like Titan. But we'll keep eyes on the future updates.
But once it is available, it is inevitable for Veteran Accounts to put more powerful wow items fast into this game to head forwards. You can buy wow items at Gold4fans if you need.
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