It’s been a long, elf-laden decade since World of Warcraft first landed on PCs back in 2004, and the still-gargantuan player-base is proof alone of the game’s success.
Warlords of Draenor launched on November 13 and counted itself as the fifth expansion in the series. Woe betide completionists however, as Blizzard’s new orc-toting fare bundles on even more lore, quests, and dungeons for you to lacerate, incinerate, and obfuscate your way through.
Unfortunately for global productivity, the heaps of content on offer paired with Earth’s meagre 24-hour days means you can’t afford to waste a moment in Blizzard’s fantasy epic.
We’ve rounded up the best tips and tricks to help you put the right greave forward on your travels around Azeroth, Draenor, and beyond…
1. Use your 90 character boost, and use it wisely
Warlords of Draenor saw the addition of character boosting – one of Blizzard’s most contentious decisions to date – that lets you rank one character up to level 90 instantly, even from a fledgling level 1. Simply buying the expansion gives you access to a free boost, after which subsequent boosts see a £40 premium tacked on – so use it wisely.
Blizzard’s main reasoning behind the move was to entice older players into returning to the game. This is an easy way to hop straight across to a friend’s server, risk-free. You can also try out a new class sans the suffering that comes with the 0-90 grind.
The boost is designed to be as simple as possible; a fresh level 90 character will even learn its skills slowly to ease you into your new role. You get dropped into Draenor with level-appropriate gear too, in case you were worried about battling across the new zones au naturel.
2. Find yourself a rare mount for your Draenor travels
Running around is great and all, but eventually you’ll tire of the leg-lugging life and seek nippier passage. A horse, perhaps? Nay, sir! Thy travel-firmed derriere deserves far more regal transit. Blizzard, thoughtfully, has crammed Warlords of Draenor full of fancy-pants locomotion.
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3. Kill rare mobs, and bag some serious swag
You’ll find rare mobs – signified by a silver dragon encircling the NPC’s combat frame and a grey skull on the mini-map – dotted all around Draenor, most of which will proffer wearable goodies upon death. There’s even a small chance for loot picked up from rare mobs to upgrade to epic quality, marking mob-hunting as an assuredly worthwhile endeavour.
4. Stray from the beaten path and embrace hidden goodies
Draenor is a melting pot of compelling lore, whimsical dialogue, Nat-Geo worthy vistas, and Hollywood-rivalling cut-scenes. Unfortunately it’s easy to miss when you’ve got your level 100 blinders on.
5. Use battlegrounds to gear up quickly for heroics
Level 100 might sound pretty mighty on paper, but chances are you’ll be rocking some seriously flimsy gear by end-game accounts. Unfortunately this means you’re a dead cert to weigh in below the item level requirements for heroic dungeons. If you’re not a tank or healer, you’ll be faced with lengthy normal dungeon queues too, which rules that out for a speedy gear-up.
6. Make sure to farm Apexis crystals for the best gear
Warlords of Draenor saw the eschewing of Valor points, with Blizzard instead opting for Apexis Crystals. They’re useful for a number of things, namely buying yourself some ritzy iLvl 630 gear and mounts. Collecting them is also a mandatory requirement for the legendary ring quest-line, so it’s in your interest to farm them efficiently.
7. Build up reputation with Draenor’s most exclusive factions
Remember earlier when we mentioned reputation items? Well earning reputation with factions is a little tougher in Warlords of Draenor than in previous expansions, and now requires the mass culling of Draenor’s rare fauna at your expense.
8. Please don’t forget about the Dungeon Journal
Hey, you! Pointy-ears who keeps dying! We get it. It’s your first time in the dungeon, you’re assaulting the boss with all the steel and thunder you’ve built up over your travels, but it’s all proving a bit fruitless because two minutes into the fight you suddenly explode and find yourself staring at a floored corpse.
9. Ashran Island – what is it, and how do you win?
Ashran Island is a level 100 PVP free-for-all zone that sees Alliance and Horde lock horns once more, this time on a hunk of rock just off the coast of Tanaan Jungle. It also plays host to this expansion’s pseudo-capital cities – Horde’s Warspear and Alliance’s Stormshield.
10. Your Garrison – use it, grow it, reap its rewards
Perhaps the most mooted addition to Warcraft, courtesy of WoD, is the Garrison system. Your Garrison is your own personal hub – a citadel designed to act as a base during your Draenor campaigning.
It’s also a brilliant source of income, entertainment, and loot. For starters, make sure to loot your garrison cache – those crates near the town hall – daily. It stocks up between 6-10 ever-valuable resources per hour, capping out at 500 total.
Also make sure you’re keeping your followers busy questing, as mission rewards can bring in some seriously sexy spoils.
It’s also worth choosing your buildings sensibly. The lumber mill is a great choice for gathering resources quickly. Small buildings, meanwhile, are best used to cater for your professions – alchemists will want the Alchemy Lab, while enchanters will find most use from the Enchanter’s Study. This allows your to get your profession level to 700, and will help you bag all the necessary recipes too.
There’s also the easy-to-miss underwater cave – dive down through the fishing pond and you’ll find a cave below the fishing hut. Head inside and you can loot Lady Sena’s Other Materials Stash.