Since the World of Warcraft 10th anniversary accidently finished a day earlier than Blizzard planned before, now they decide to extend this anniversary with ability to win WOW gold US or EU again. This move bring good reviews among WOW players.
WOW 10th Anniversary Extended to January 13 at 10:00 A.M. PST
One day ago, WOW community manager Bashiok posted a thread in WOW forum themed anniversary event extension. He announced that the WOW 10th anniversary event will be available again from January 6 at 10:00 a.m. PST until January 13 at 10:00 a.m. PST. The content will be same as it used to be. Blizzard is doing this for a compensation for the earlier ending than intended date.
WOW Players Show Great Praise to This Move
WOW players showed praise to what Blizzard do this time. on one hand, for those who haven' t finished everything they want in World of Warcraft 10th anniversary, this is a chance that they have the ability to keep on adventuring and win WOW gold.
On the other hand, there are must be WOW players who have done everything before the accident finish of WOW 10th anniversary event. They praise Blizzard for good attitude after something wrong happened. Unlike other similar game companies which may keep quite about the mistake or plain "fell sorry about that " sentences, Blizzard try to do something to make up the bad effect and inconvenience brought from the unplanned issue.
WOW players think Blizzard have a very good move showing they do realize their wrong and take measures for compensation. It is a good example that other MMO game company should follow.
Though a little interference, WOW 10th anniversary event bring lots of fun to WOW players and now they available again. if you need t buy cheapest WOW gold wit fast delivery, Gold4fans are here waiting for you. By the way, free 5% WOW gold bonus is undergoing at Gold4fans. Check the details and save you more.
Below are feedback for this extend from wow players
Huh, I thought for sure they would make the Molten Corgi premium. At best it would be a .000001% chance rare drop from a boss.And seriously, a DECADE? Insanity. - Chrono
That's a fair amount of stuff for the 10th anniversary. Until you said 100vs100 I thought the TMvSS battleground was a bit lame. The corgi is adorable, and if I still played, or hadn't made my account inaccessible to me to prevent re-signing, I'd so log in to get that. Fortunately I can't so I won't. - kuleleDan
That's enlightening. The max level molten implies max level toons. If warlords drops a mere month beforehand very few folks will be max level. - Rufus Honker IV
All I want is a core hound mount.That's all I've ever wanted... - rauth
I still maintain that World of Warcraft is arguably the greatest computer game ever made to date.Love it or hate it. - Fauxcused
Darnit, now I need to go buy a Cinderkitten, so's I can make cats and dogs fight. (hint: I'm totally murdering that fscking corgi - DeePseudonym
I am very excited about all of this. Their anniversary celebrations have been pretty lacking in recent years. I realize 7th, 8th, and 9th anniversaries aren't generally big deals but it's a pretty long lifespan for an online game, I was expecting something more than a temporary reputation and experience boost. The pets and tabards from earlier ones spoiled me, I guess. Looking forward to a Molten Corgi! - spete
The return of Molten Core is really exciting, but I really question whether it's worth the time to upgrade a raid that's only going to be relevant for like a month. Onyxia was upgraded at the five-year, and that was great because that fell between the two big raids of the expansion, Ulduar and Icecrown. (TotC was technically a tier too, I think, but despite some pretty cool encounters, that was one of the most obvious filler raids ever.) That meant she was fairly relevant content again for a good year plus.
Meanwhile, people have been complaining because of 370 days of SoO, and now they'll finally get a new(ish) raid RIGHT before the expansion hits. I'll probably resub to try it out, but I can't help feeling this should have hit at the nine-year mark, or they should have pushed it back in like June as an early celebration.
That 100v100 Tarren Mill vs. Southshore BG is the most interesting piece of PVP content I think WoW has ever introduced. The last time I really loved WoW PVP was Alterac Valley classic (which they should really introduce as a separate BG, maybe keep the map changes, but without the reinforcement mechanic), and one amazing battle for Halaa toward the end of TBC which seriously must have been at least 100 players on each side, but otherwise I've found WoW PvP pretty boring for a long time now. Excited to give that a try. - Zuldim
I'm expecting we will see patch 6.0 before all of this stuff hits for sure. I'm not so sure about the expansion landing before the anniversary, but I would bet some money on the release and anniversary being very close, perhaps a week or so apart.In particular, I don't think they would want opening expansion activities to interfere with their anniversary celebration.I'll guess that we'll get anniversary for a week, and then we'll get a week lead-in to xpac with some world event. - Tim_Burners-Lee
I'm going to go a little off topic here since it saves me making a post that I wouldn't have made anyway, but since I just returned to WOW after skipping MoP I'd like to rave about the Garrosh fight. I was so surprised and impressed! It's not all random stuff flying at you, all of it makes sense, they incorporate the Sha into the fight, and the scenes between Thrall and Garrosh make a nice juxtaposition with Grom's death in Warcraft 3, which was a huge influence on Thrall. The best fights are the ones with major lore and incorporate it into the fight. Also I can see what you mean about how Varian finally put on his big boy pants. Although Jaina is a different character entirely now, for sure. - Scarlet Sebs Fever
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