And over the next few years results bounced up & down a bit, but generally trended upwards. The key here is, of course, that regular testing over a period of time is critical, and not simply a one off test as it is the trend that is important.
Oh yes, I shouldn't forget the DRE... I had all those fairly uncool digital rectal inspections. When you see, and hear, your GP pulling on those latex gloves, you kind of think this is definitely not cool. Does this make you feel great? No, not really.
My prostate was enlarged, not hugely, but noticeably. This, I was told, was not necessarily anything to worry about, as it could occur without anything cancerous going on; and in any case, if not cancerous this could be treated successfully.
I was also experiencing some bladder issues; again, nothing that could be deemed conclusive regarding cancer, but just another thing going on that required watching.
Actually, I was finding it harder to 'go' at times. And whilst it might have been harder to actually 'go', the need was certainly more frequent: I was having to get up during the night 2-3 times regularly.
The most embarrassing thing was going to the public urinals and standing alongside lots of other men, doing what you do; or trying to. It's frustrating and embarrassing standing there waiting; and waiting; for the flow to start.
When my PSA reached around 7, my GP recommended I see a specialist. I was a bit ho-hum about this, but like all good patients did as I was told. After all, he was my doctor, and should know what he is doing.