Chastity Valdes is a self-proclaimed wine geek, lover and collector. Chastity covers all aspects of wine, from grapes to glasses, wine regions and everything in between. Her goal is to educate by providing her extensive knowledge on wines and the industry that surrounds it.
Chastity Valdes gives a lot of wine information out there; Wine is a healthy beverage that has numerous health benefits when consumed in moderation. Wine contains antioxidants, helps protect against certain cancers and may even delay the process of aging and slow down the aging process. The alcohol content of wine typically ranges anywhere from 9% to 13%, but can be lower or higher depending on the variety.
Wine has a place in the heart of many connoisseurs and casual drinkers alike, but many don’t realize how healthful wine can be. Aside from all of the antioxidants that wine contains and its positive effects on your mood, there are other ways that wine can benefit your health as well. Here are seven ways that wine can help you lead a healthier lifestyle.
1. Improves cardiovascular health
The antioxidants in wine may reduce oxidation, which is a process that contributes to heart disease. Moderate red wine consumption has been linked to lower levels of C-reactive protein; an inflammatory marker associated with a high risk for heart disease. Additionally, research shows that consuming moderate amounts of red wine every day may increase blood flow and prevent blood clots that can lead to a heart attack or stroke. The beneficial compounds in red wine can help fight blood clots by inhibiting platelet aggregation.
2. Helps with depression
Studies have shown that drinking a small amount of wine can be effective for easing depression. It is also speculated that grapes contain phytonutrients which relieve anxiety and stress, as well as many antioxidants. The natural sugars in wine can also elevate your mood and make you feel more relaxed after consumption. Not to mention, red wine contains resveratrol, an antioxidant compound found in grapes that some researchers believe could help prevent cancer and slow aging by preventing cellular damage caused by free radicals. Resveratrol has been linked to improved cardiovascular health, too.
3. Helps the liver
According to a study conducted by Washington State University, Limit wine consumption helped lower levels of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), an enzyme linked to liver damage. This beverage even minimizes stress in those who consume it on a regular basis. While wine is notorious for causing hangovers and short-term side effects, there are many proven benefits that help your body be healthy with just one glass per day. For example, wine can actually protect against heart disease and reduce risk factors associated with high blood pressure. One 12 oz serving of red or white wine contains around 125 mg of potassium that’s 25% more than what you’ll find in a banana! Drinking red wine can also decrease chances of developing Type 2 diabetes due to its high levels of antioxidants called polyphenols which may increase insulin sensitivity and improve blood sugar control.
4. Reduces risk of heart disease
A study published in 2012 found that resveratrol, a natural compound found in red wine, significantly increases HDL cholesterol and reduces systolic blood pressure. Both lower levels of HDL cholesterol and higher blood pressure are significant risk factors for heart disease. Resveratrol may also help prevent oxidation of LDL cholesterol and stop platelets from clotting excessively, both likely helpful in reducing heart disease risk. Red wine is also high in antioxidants like flavonoids, which have been shown to protect against heart disease by lowering inflammation.
5. Reduces risk of diabetes
Research shows that red wine has a protective effect against diabetes. According to a study published in BMC Medicine, consuming one glass of red wine daily can reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 32 percent. The research team believes that resveratrol and flavonoids are responsible for preventing cells from becoming insulin resistant. Additionally, researchers found that sulfites also help prevent glucose uptake, which reduces diabetes risk. In addition to resveratrol, anthocyanins and tannins may also be beneficial for blood sugar regulation. Anthocyanins give red wine its color while tannins act as antioxidants. Both compounds have been shown to inhibit enzymes involved in sugar metabolism, helping control blood sugar levels.
6. Enhances skin elasticity and smoothness
The antioxidants found in wine can help to keep your skin from developing wrinkles or sagging as you age. The compounds found in red wine are particularly effective for keeping skin firm. If you choose to drink moderately, consider pairing a glass with your skincare routine for enhanced results. Additionally, many of these antioxidants protect against sun damage, so you’ll enjoy increased protection when exposed to sunlight.
Drinking red wine regularly is also associated with fewer signs of aging, including wrinkles and reduced skin elasticity and smoothness. According to one study, drinking more than three glasses of red wine per week may slow down natural facial aging by up to two years. While there are other ingredients in wine that might contribute to its anti-aging effects (such as resveratrol), research has shown that it’s mainly due to tannins and anthocyanins antioxidant flavonoids that occur naturally in grapes.
7. Lowers blood pressure
Recent studies have shown that drinking one to two glasses of wine a day lowers blood pressure by 5 percent. Blood pressure, or hypertension, is an important health concern for men and women over age 50. It’s normal to see your blood pressure rise at work or while exercising, but when it gets consistently high at home and at rest it can lead to heart disease and stroke. Drinking wine in moderation may be just what you need to keep your blood pressure in check. In fact, another study has shown that people who drank red wine three times a week had lower levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), which indicates inflammation throughout your body. This inflammation has been linked to several chronic diseases including cancer and diabetes. So, if you want to protect yourself from these diseases, reach for a glass of red wine!