Blocketj · Newsroom

The World's First UTM Firewall to Feature Vulnerability Assessment and Scanning at the Same Time
In a nutshell, the world-renowned hardware-based and software-based security firm known as SecPoint has again managed to become a pioneer in its own arguably saturated field by releasing

July 29, 2013

SecPoint Releases New Office Series Security Appliances
SecPoint has released the "Office Series Security Appliances", using which the clients will now get to enjoy even more affordable price

April 24, 2013

New Wordpress Joomla Web Vulnerability Scanner
The web is the number one source people use in order to get the information they need, but it is also one of the worst places to be in if you are vulnerable.

February 22, 2013

What web vulnerability scanners deal with?
The risks you are exposing your clients and your information to when you have an online shop are a lot more numerous

February 19, 2013