A lot of people are saying a recession is on the way and the continued news of rising bills and energy costs are only getting louder.
The Bank of England has cautioned us over recent months that the UK economy will hit a recession "for more than a year this Autumn". A recession is defined as 2 back-to-back quarters of negative growth and this is combined with record inflation levels (+13%), it’s a recipe for disaster and it can leave many of us facing tough questions in our career.
That’s why I’m writing this to you today. I want to help you survive & thrive in the latest recession. Most Blam Partners come from one of 2 camps, employees or small business owners. If you’re a salaried employee or you get paid hourly, then you have to be honest with your situation...
Are you a revenue generator - or another expense?
If you’re in some kind of support or management role, you’re probably an expense, especially in a smaller business. Maybe the HR Manager won't say it like that but that’s how the bosses really view you. During a recession, being seen as an expense is a perilous place to be. Expenses are often the first things to go when cost cutting is discussed so your source of income is no longer reliable.
The only way to secure your long-term future would be to move from the expense column to the revenue-generating column ASAP.
OR you can position yourself to be ahead of the curve. Why not take the time and effort you will expend to make your own boss richer and invest it into running your own business (without having to quit your job)? You suddenly go from being on a tightrope with no net to walking on firm ground.
It’s a win-win.
If you’d like to do this, but don’t know where to start, I have a 25-minute training session to help. Whether you’re a small business owner or a regular employee, there’s always something you can do to stay recession-proof and provide yourself with the security to be able to focus on the future, not just the here and now.
You just have to be one step ahead of the curve.
Need help?
Get access to my free training here: https://agency.blampartners.com
To your success,
Grant Stain
CEO - Blam Websites Ltd