Quantum corporation is a 1987 based established corporation, which is the largest producer of storage devices of PC, server hard devices for preserving, storing, sharing and managing the data assets to manage the data life cycle. The company works with the resellers, manufacturers and suppliers of digital devices and works for the innovation of the digital services to make data accessible from anywhere.
The overall revenue share of company is measured as the 4.5 billion USD and is well renown for taking over the Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) in october 1994. Quantum corporation is the largest competitor of seagate, IBM, Western digital alike corporations.
Why ERP is in Quantum ? -
There were many problems in the existing information system of the corporation like -
duplication and redundancy of the ERP system
DEC take over increased the need of more data entrance and handling properly
MRP (material requirement planning) system required the integrated single database which was divided into separate databases which had to be manually consolidated.
A large part of the ERP re-implementation was needed to be performed
How did the ERP software was implemented in quantum ?
There were 3 teams were organized named -
steering team
core team
project team
Steering committee included all the departmental VPs of finance, production, logistics, purchase, sales and marketing which were responsible for the implementation of ERP modules in their respective departments.
Core team collected the team of 16 different managers from all the departments and business units and in project team 100 members of the key employees were made to handle the ERP implementation respectively.
Benefits of the ERP system -
There were many benefits of ERP implementation like -
confirmation of order in real time
confirmation of order completing in delivery time
ability to confirm and locate the inventory in real time
easy access of data in real time
proper decision making in real time