Adhaar card is a 12 digit Unique Identification Number or UID which has become the current hot debated issue of every house and individual since post demonetization. The government's policy to make Adhaar card a mandatory document for every sector has created hustle bustle among all the residents of India, and they are battling hard on a daily basis to prepare their Adhaar Card.
Since initial stages, UIDAI (Unique Identification Authority of India) has offered two modes of filling or preparing the Adhaar card: online & Offline. As the document and the procedures of filling it are completely new and different, many people are making mistakes while doing so. But the good news is here for each one of us. Now those silly mistakes can be rectified easily via an online portal launched by UIDAI.
This portal will allow the users to make unlimited changes in their UID document except in DOB (Date of Birth) that can be done once. Besides DOB, any changes in name, address, mobile number, gender and email id, can be done multiple times on the site.
After making the necessary changes, the site sill displays an URN (Update request number) along with an acknowledgment number. This number should be noted properly as they can help to track the updating process of UID.
UIDAI online process for filing or updating UID is a very robust and simpler process. Just click here in the link and make necessary changes instantly. But the first and the most mandatory step to initiate the entire process is the registration of personal mobile number at UIDAI website once the number is linked the user is allowed to update or file his/her UID.
About UIDAI:
UIDAI Unique Identification Authority of India) is a statutory authority established under the provisions of Adhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and Other Subsidies, Benefits and Services) Act 2016(Adhaar Act 2016) on July 2016 by the government of India.
UIDAI was created with a mission to issue UID or Adhaar to all the residents of India and to prevent them from using fake identities.
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