Weedseeds011 · Newsroom

For the production of seeds female plants are crossed with males and seeds are produced which fall to the ground upon forming on the female plant and germinate into independent plants.

February 25, 2020

Therefore, today we are going to understand all the different factors that need to be considered while setting up a successful plant outside.

February 25, 2020

When to harvest Cannabis seeds
Harvesting according to the color of pistils helps one decide what effect one wants to be dominant in the plant.

January 22, 2020

Why should you buy Hack Herer seeds?
These seeds have a perfect balance of both Indica (40%) and Sativa (60%), which is why its users feel euphoric and happy but does not get carried away.

January 22, 2020

Grow your cannabis business in North America!
Now that marijuana is legal in North America, cannabis seeds are in very high demand.

December 17, 2019

Get your hands on some cannabis seeds in Saguenay!
Marijuana had a reputation for being a recreational drug for a long time, however, the medical community had always appreciated the many benefits that it offered.

December 17, 2019

Choose from a big variety of North America Cannabis Seeds from this online store!
You will find a great variety of North America cannabis seeds along with other products that you might be interested in.

November 27, 2019

Get the best Cannabis Seeds in Sagueny delivered to your doorstep!
The different varieties have a different chemical composition and tend to have a different effect on the body when consumed.

November 27, 2019

Get some high quality lemon skunk seeds in Canada delivered to your doorstep!
You can now find a great variety of seeds, strains and buds at the Government authorised retail stores and online websites that have come up in recent years to cater to the audience.

October 29, 2019

Buy wholesale seeds in Oklahoma from i49 seed bank today!
The benefits of seeds are that you can grow them in your home or garden, away from children, and get some relief.

October 24, 2019