Thegreencorner · Newsroom

Escalate the Aesthetics of Your Home with the Right Houseplants
Who doesn’t love to live in a home that mimics the charm of a tropical paradise? If natural aesthetics make you swoon.

March 6, 2023

The Right Gift for Valentine’s: A Stunning Houseplant from The Green Corner to represent Your Everlasting Love
How amazing would it be to gift your loved one a Syngonium pink plant or some romantic blooms to balance the yin and yang in their surroundings?

February 4, 2023

Stunning Wall Planters for a Contemporary Design from The Green Corner
Do you love to add an extra edge to your décor with something unique? Want to add a whole new dimension to your aesthetics with wall planters.

February 4, 2023

Begonia Rex from The Leading Plant Nursery in Singapore - The Green Corner
Do you love tropical plants with colourfully patterned and intriguingly shaped leaves? Well, if the answer is yes, Begonia Rex from The Green Corner can be an excellent alternative for your garden plants collection.

February 4, 2023

Chinese New Year Plants and Flower Arrangements from The Green Corner
The Chinese New Year brings a wave of excitement across Singapore. There is no denying that Chinese New Year plants.

January 19, 2023