Patanjaliyogpeeth · Newsroom

Nepal Donation by Patanjali Yogpeeth Nepal
Nepal is a beautiful country but after an earthquake this was not going to be the same visit as my past ones as nothing would diminish the slaughter that had made by pulverized in nepal donation.

January 25, 2018

Huge Natural Disasters Nepal
Nepal still remains sincerely poor and requirements as much help as it can get. The steady stream of vacationers pouring in Nepal has lifted the goals for normal comforts of different individuals.

November 15, 2017

Patanjali Yogpeeth Donate to Nepal
The Patanjali yogpeeth Nepal trust is greatly convincing required in endeavors to give crisis relief and philanthropic help to seismic tremor difficulties in Nepal.

October 12, 2017

Take Nepal Aapda Rahat Kosh Mission
Patanjali Yogpeeth Nepal trust help nepal aapda rahat kosh. These generous Federation in the remarkable have enhanced existences of adolescents in various parts of the world.

July 27, 2017

For Nepal Earthquake Help
As our Patanjali Yogpeeth nepal earthquake help and Relief Funds' commitment is to guarantee that 100% of the majority of the gifts we get from over the globe are passed on direct to the all-inclusive community

July 8, 2017

Nepal charities helping work by Patanjali yogpeeth nepal
Patanjali Yog Peeth Nepal working for nepal earthquake help mission and giving his backings for those kids which are misfortunes his families and homes.

July 1, 2017

First Relief Services in the List of Nepal Charities
Patanjali Yogpeeth Nepal is first relief services in the list of Nepal Charities after the April 2015 shock (Earthquake).

June 15, 2017

patanjali yogpeeth Nepal earthquake help to Humanitarian response
The Patanjali yogpeeth Nepal is helped to the Nepalearthquake..28 April, trust sent medical groups and three field healing facilities,

May 5, 2017