Erinsloan · Newsroom

QC Kinetix offers the absolute knee pain management solutions
The knees are a significant part of our body as they bear the weight of our body. Knees are also important to make the movement of legs possible through which we are able to walk, run, cycle, etc.

August 29, 2018

Arthritis Treatment: The Main Causes, Symptoms, Types of Arthritis and Treatment
Inflammation of a joint from a joint disorder is referred to as Arthritis. The area of the body where two different bones meet each other is termed as joint.

August 7, 2018

Everything you need to know about Knee Injury Treatments
Among most of the complicated joints available, the Knee joint is one such joint that allows the person to bend and straighten their legs so that they can perform various activities like sit, squat, running or jumping.

August 7, 2018

Immediate First Aid Before Considering Non-invasive Knee Injury Treatment
If you are suffering from knee or any sports injury and wish to get back to your normal routine quickly without surgery, QC Kinetix promises an effective non-invasive knee injury treatment.

July 4, 2018

Home Remedies to Manage Knee Pain
Pain, of any kind, is always a bother. Nobody like dealing with pain, especially when it comes to dealing with knee pain. This is because, pain in the knees, curbs most physical activity, most important being walking.

June 20, 2018