Dovrand · Newsroom

Dov Rand Receives Patient Recognition Award
As a professional in the Age Management Medicine field, Dov Rand has been recognized for his hard work and dedication to his patients. This is the fourth consecutive annual award received by Dov Rand.

June 15, 2013

Dov Rand Launches New Health Programs in Anti-Aging Medicine
Dov Rand has been a dedicated doctor to the field of age management medicine. Dov Rand’s accomplishments include the development of many new health programs aimed at fighting off age-related diseases.

June 10, 2013

Dr. Dov Rand Passes Written Boards in Anti-Aging Medicine
Dov Rand is a physician and founder of the Healthy Aging Medical Center. He is an expert in the field of anti-aging medicine. Dov Rand recently passed the written boards in the topic of anti-aging medicine.

May 14, 2013

Dov Rand Announces Services Available at the Healthy Aging Medical Center
Dov Rand is a physician and founder of the Healthy Aging Medical Center. He is pleased to announce the services and therapies offered at the center.

April 27, 2013