News by Category: Religion

The 114th Birthday of Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan, the Akram Spiritual Scientist, Celebrated in Person after 2 Years
DBF, a venerated spiritual organization, celebrated the 114th birthday of Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan in person for the first time after COVID-19. The highlights were question and answer sessions, darshan, choir bhakti, and Self-realization ceremony.

November 25, 2021

Church of Scientology Nashville Shares Human Rights Education for International Day of Tolerance
Tennessee United for Human Rights spreads its message through educational tools, hard-hitting videos, and inspirational messages.

November 24, 2021

Ronald J. Katter to be Installed President of Jewish Lawyers Guild
His New Title as President Goes into Effect on December 1

November 24, 2021


November 23, 2021


November 20, 2021

Eid Gifts Available From Uk Islamic Inspired Marketing Service
‘Please Peruse Our Website For Some Amazing Eid And Other Gifts’ – Lila And Tiny Director Maryam

November 19, 2021

Nashville Religion Communicators Look Back on 2021, Plan for 2022
The Nashville Chapter of the Religion Communicators Council (RCC) meets monthly to talk about topics of interest and hear from professionals in religious communications.

November 18, 2021

Church of Scientology Nashville Celebrates the Joy of the Holiday Season
Scientologists believe in spreading the warmth and joy of the holiday season to the community and beyond.

November 18, 2021

Shakyamuni Buddha Nepalese Bronze Singing Bowl - Tibetan Buddhist
Tibetan singing bowls have long been utilized in meditation practice by Buddhist monks. The Nepalese singing bowl by Exotic India is used during treatment by several wellness practitioners.

November 17, 2021

世の国が変わる?! 世界が注目する黙示録セミナー開催中

November 16, 2021

Folk Musicians Brass Sculpture Set Of Four Female Figurines
Music is an integral aspect of life in rural India. Given how vast the subcontinent is, a wide variety of folk music has emerged from its numerous rural pockets.

November 16, 2021

The Invincible Kali Brass Statue- Seated Under A Flaming Prabhavali
This elaborate brass sculpture is a variation of the Kali iconography, and hers is a distinct iconography. Her stance is far from the unassuming body language of Indian devices.

November 15, 2021

全世界の牧会者から感謝のメッセージが届いている、「神様の新しい契約 黙示録(啓示録)の預言と成就の証し」セミナーは11/11の放送で10回目を迎えました。今回は、新天地イエス教会マッテヤ枝派のチャン・バンシク枝派長が「天から来た啓示の本と約束の牧者」と題した黙示録10章について説明されました。

November 14, 2021

Lord Hanuman Brass Statue Seated in Abhay Mudra
Lord Hanuman is known to be a popular symbol of strength and selfless devotee of Lord Rama in Hinduism.

November 13, 2021

Tribhanga Murari With Kadamba Canopy For A Halo- Superfine Composition Brass Statue
As the cowherd youth recently arrived in Vrindavan, the effect Krishna had on the hearts of the cows and the milkmaids alike is known and sung about to this day.

November 12, 2021

Jagannath in Abakasha Vesha Temple Town Puri Watercolor Painting On Patti Folk Art
Lord Jagannath is an abstract, fluid deity. He is widely considered to be a representation of Lord Krishna Himself, while in some subcultures (Shaiva and Shakta traditions) He is a tantric roopa (form) of Lord Bhairava.

November 11, 2021


November 10, 2021

Brass Made Bitone Mahaparinirvana Buddha
The Buddha contains multitudes. The life of a prince of the Shakya clan could not prevent him from turning to mendicancy and asceticism; year after year of grave austerity and introspection.

November 10, 2021

The Twelve Forms of the Sun-Surya – VARUNA Watercolor Painting
In our Shastras it has been mentioned that there are twelve forms of the Sun known as Adityas and they represent the twelve months in the calendar and twelve aspects of the Golden Deity Sun.

November 9, 2021


November 6, 2021

Trimukhi And Shashabhujadhari Lord Dattatreya White Marble Sculpture
There is much to Lord Dattatreya that sets Him apart from the rest of the Hindu rishees. An ascetic of the finest order and lord of yoga.

November 6, 2021

The Timeless Appeal Of Ganesha-Trailokyamohana Watercolor Painting
Ganesha's timeless appeal has been captured to perfection in this watercolor by artist Tulsi Das Vimbark. From the chubby limbs in their usual stance to the characteristic pot-belly of the indulgent laddoo-lover.

November 3, 2021

The Bible Explained: All the Verses of Revelation Are Connected to the Reality of Our Times
Testimony on Prophecy and Fulfillment of Revelation, God's New Covenant,” from October 18th to December 27th currently being held by Shincheonji Church of Jesus.

November 2, 2021

The Sacred Silhouette Of Ganesha Brass Statue
The silhouette of Ganesha is unmistakable. The chubby limbs, the pot belly, the signature trunk, and the large ears are each enough to give away His sacred presence.

November 2, 2021


November 1, 2021

The Cosmic Glamour Of Lord Ganesha Handmade Brass Statue
Gentle and wise and perfect in every way, Lord Ganesha is the widely revered son of Lord Shiva and Devi Parvati.

November 1, 2021

次回11/1(月)開催 韓国発信、目からウロコの最先端セミナー

October 31, 2021

Popular Christian radio network develops free online resources to help with the spirituality of the global community.
Popular Christian radio network develops free online resources to help with the spirituality of the global community.

October 30, 2021

TLDM Evangelistic Radio Network Helps Families Study & Understand Religion Together with its Christian Talk Radio Shows & Podcasts
A Christian radio network that brings the listeners closer to God and religion with their religious broadcasting services

October 30, 2021

TLDM Evangelistic Radio Network Has Helped Struggling Christians Overcome Weak Faith Through Their Online Preaching Radio
Online Media Network offering Live Radio streaming to revive one's Christian faith with daily Evangelistic Sermons

October 30, 2021

Standing Brass Mendicant Buddha Statue
A one-of-a-kind standing Buddha sculpture. Usually depicted as a seated figure nestled in the belly of a lotus, Siddhartha Gautama had a long past before He sat down at the foot of the Bodhi tree.

October 30, 2021

Large Panchmukhi Hanuman Wooden Statue in a Yogic Posture
Lord Hanuman with five faces staring in different directions is the most magnificent, powerful, and revered form. He assumed this form when he was assigned the responsibility of protecting Lord Ram’s life.

October 29, 2021


October 27, 2021

The Splendour Of The Chariot- Borne Soorya Brass Statue
Lord Soorya is revered as the prime source of life and nourishment by the peoples of the subcontinent. His many names include Vivasvat, Savitra ('nourisher'), and Lokachakshu ('eye of the realm').

October 26, 2021

Padmasana Gajalakshmi Tanjore Painting With Teakwood Frame
Recognised as a Geographical indication by the Government of India, there is much to the Tanjore painting that sets it apart from other classical art forms.

October 25, 2021


October 24, 2021

Madhubani Folk Art Painting - Fish Mandala Art
A Mandala is of great importance in Hinduism and Buddhism, representing the universe. The Sanskrit meaning of mandala is ‘circle’ symbolic of fullness and that life is never-ending and everything is connected.

October 23, 2021

How can positive thinking impact your life in a better way?
The article helps you in identifying the reason for all your problems. A small change in your attitude and approach has power to change your entire life for the good. And that is why great people like Manvir Singh Khalsa.

October 22, 2021

Haloed Standing Lakshmi Brass Statue Blesses You With A Steady Stream Of Plenty
The tall, beauteous, and stately Lakshmi Ji blesses the devotee with plenty. The wife of none other than the great Vishnu, She presides over wealth which is the necessary means to His function of preserving creation.

October 21, 2021

Murlimanohar Brass Statue-One who Looks Beautiful with a Flute
Godhead of Hindu trinity deities and the most popular incarnation of Lord Vishnu- Lord Krishna or Mrlimanohar is the leader, hero, protector, teacher, and a friend of all.

October 20, 2021

新天地イエス教会、ヨハネの黙示録の全章の講義 ‘電撃突入’
-イマンヒ総会長の最初の講義 ”黙示録のすべての事件、直接聞いて見た" -世界初の黙示録1〜22全章の成就、YouTube中継開始 -“神様の新しい契約、黙示録の預言と成就のあかし“セミナー、12月末まで行われる予定

October 19, 2021

Large Superfine Peacock Annam Lamp-Brass Sculpture From South India
Exotic India feels highly enthusiastic to be able to provide the customers with this large-sized Annam lamp from South India.

October 19, 2021


October 14, 2021

Spirit Of Enlightenment Mandala-Tibetian-Buddhist Thangka Painting
In this Spirit Of Enlightenment Mandala Thangka Painting, the sacred hum symbol is at the heart of this mandala.

October 14, 2021

Tortoise Lamp With Numerous Trellis Lamps Tikamgarh Bronze Wax Casting
A multitude of lamps to fill your space with light and sattvaguna. This classical-style Indian lamp would be a valuable addition to any traditional Indian home. It features a long stem of uniform thickness along the center.

October 13, 2021

Connection to the Real World: Revelation is Revealed in New Weekly Bible Seminar
Shincheonji, Church of Jesus will be holding a weekly bible seminar for 2 months. The seminar will explain the prophecies recorded in the book of Revelation based on the 5W1H method.

October 12, 2021

Ashtabhuja Dhari Simhavahini Durga Brass Statue
Devi Durga is a feminine epitome of strength and a divine potency responsible for keeping this material world in order and decorum.

October 11, 2021

Mahishasura-Mardini Ten-Armed Durga - Oil Painting On Canvas
This brilliant painting, oil on canvas, as large as four by six feet, rendered in modern art style but with a mythical theme, represents the ten-armed Devi – Goddess, killing the buffalo demon Mahisha.

October 9, 2021

Devi Mahakali- Mahabalipuram South Indian Stone Statue
Devi Mahakali, the consort of ‘Mahakala’ (Great Time), a form of Lord Shiva, is the Goddess of time, life, death, creation, as well as liberation.

October 8, 2021

Nashville Religion Communicators Inspired by Tools from American Red Cross
The Nashville Chapter of the Religion Communicators Council (RCC) meets monthly to talk about topics of interest and hear from professionals in religious communications.

October 7, 2021