News by Category: Non-profit

Area Agency on Aging for SW Florida Celebrates Grand Opening of New Headquarters in Fort Myers
AAASWFL recently celebrated the grand opening of its new headquarters in Fort Myers located at 2830 Winkler Avenue.

November 5, 2020

Market Managed By New Small Scale Businesses And Sold Huge Quantity Of Products Online
Gabriele Andreozzi, a marketing guru and expert helped many businesses in managing and selling products online.

November 3, 2020

Convegno “Famiglie unite contro la Filiera Psichiatrica”
Comunicato stampa - Convegno “Famiglie unite contro la Filiera Psichiatrica”

November 2, 2020

USA’s Largest Anti-Mask Organization Banned On Facebook For “Hate Speech”
Bare Face Is Legal Facebook group pulled for “Community Guidelines.”

October 30, 2020

DHS' Client Oracle Donates More Than $10 Million to Support Racial Equity and Social Justice Nonprofits and Programs
Investments are aimed at elevating underserved communities, combating systemic racism and advancing racial equality in the United States DHS plans to announce additional racial equity and social justice nonprofit funding in the future.

October 30, 2020

How To Claim Donations Under 80g
Donations are eligible for tax exemption under section 80G.

October 29, 2020

How To Claim Donations Under 80g
The contribution that is made by cash are considered for deduction under section 80G.

October 29, 2020

In Colorado prospera il traffico di droga illegale
La legalizzazione ha ottenuto l’effetto opposto a quello sperato, la criminalità prospera e il traffico illegale è in aumento.

October 29, 2020

La campagna per legalizzare le droghe pesanti è cominciata
Raggiunto in parte l’obbiettivo di legalizzare le “droghe leggere”, è già attiva e pressante la campagna per legalizzare gran parte delle “droghe pesanti”

October 29, 2020

Informazione e prevenzione sulla droga, le attività di “Drug Free World”
In Florida vene distribuito il materiale gratuito informativo sugli stupefacenti di “Un Mondo Libero dalla Droga”

October 29, 2020

DHS Appoints President of Gender Equality: Fernando Aguirre, Vice Chairman of DHS Announced
Today DHS named Jonathan Sanders, Vice President of Inclusion, as the first president of Gender Equality for DHS.

October 28, 2020

DHS' Vice Chairman, Fernando Aguirre, Reports on Its Commitment to Sustainability
The Sustainability Report highlights the firm’s progress on economic, social, and environmental sustainability programs

October 27, 2020

Upgrading the Lives of Underdeveloped Children
This post will introduce you to an organization where you can confidently invest your time & money and neither will be wasted.

October 26, 2020

DHS Completes Growth Investment in Network for Nonprofit Advancement: DHS Vice Chairman, Fernando Aguirre, Announced
DHS and its initiative of Network for Nonprofit Advancement provides small nonprofits and partners with an innovative, all-in-one fundraising platform and support services needed to execute modern, results-oriented fundraising campaigns.

October 24, 2020

Le droghe hanno distrutto le emozioni, e la vita, di Kurt Cobain
Kurt Cobain, leader dei Nirvana, è stato un musicista che ha segnato la storia del rock la cui carriera è stata bruciata in brevissimo tempo a causa dell’abuso di stupefacenti.

October 22, 2020

L’Olanda è uno dei maggiori produttori mondiali di droga
I Paesi Bassi detengono in Europa la leadership assoluta della produzione di sostanze stupefacenti.

October 22, 2020

L’irresponsabilità delle madri tossicodipendenti
Alcune madri, schiave della droga, non smettono di assumere sostanze tossiche durante la gravidanza. Questo causa ai neonati non solo crisi di astinenza, ma anche pesanti conseguenze future.

October 22, 2020

Champions for Philanthropy Launches New “Athlete Resource Center”
Champions for Philanthropy’s Athlete Resource Center is a platform created to help athletes make a social impact in their communities.

October 16, 2020

La Via della Felicità si unisce a MAD DADS per rendere migliore la città di Minneapolis
I volontari de La Via della Felicità e di MAD DADS collaborano per ripulire un quartiere di Minneapolis, come attività per la prevenzione della criminalità.

October 14, 2020

A New York, Harlem marcia contro la violenza delle armi
Il libretto “La Via della Felicità” è stato distribuito ai cittadini di Harlem per diffondere i principi di pace e tolleranza, contro la violenza delle armi da fuoco

October 14, 2020

Animal Action Night for Dogs Saving Dogs from Death Row
The event aims to encourage people to take action for animals, even in small ways. You can do this by making healthy choices while shopping – buying cruelty-free; reducing your consumption of animal products or becoming vegetarian or vegan.

October 14, 2020

First Congress of Democracy and Human Rights in the Americas 2020
On October 15, 2020, at 4:00 pm, the first Democracy and Human Rights Congress in the Americas 2020 will be broadcast live on Facebook, Zoom, GoToMeeting and Instagram.

October 13, 2020

Provide children FREE Islamic education! Support Noble Student in raising $25,000
We at Noble Student need your help and support for this cause of spreading Islam throughout the world. As Muslims, Islam forms the foundation of our lives

October 13, 2020

ACAwise, The Ultimate ACA Reporting Solution For Achieving Employer Mandate ACA Compliance
ACAwise has provided a full-service aca reporting solution for Applicable Large Employers, CPEOs, PEOs, TPAs, HCM providers, payroll service providers, and government entities across the nation.

October 9, 2020

Il traffico internazionale di cocaina
Una nave cargo battente bandiera liberiana e proveniente dal Brasile trasportava oltre 200 kg di cocaina, diretta al mercato italiano.

October 8, 2020

Il nuovo mercato della droga
La nostra società ha subito profonde trasformazioni a causa della pandemia di coronavirus, e il mercato della droga si è evoluto di conseguenza.

October 8, 2020

Bimba di 14 mesi in coma per ingestione di marijuana
La marijuana, che gli adulti spesso ritengono innocua, può diventare micidiale se ingerita da un bambino.

October 8, 2020

Supply Nation is at the frontlines of technological empowerment of indigenous businesses
Supply Nation provides Australia’s largest national directory of verified Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses.

October 6, 2020


October 2, 2020

The Richard Evans Foundation gives tribute to the women they serve , by adopting a new logo
The Richard Evans foundation has adopted a new logo of a goddess. The ancient symbol goes well with the organization.

October 1, 2020

Gli psicofarmaci vengono usati come droga
Il fatto che molti psicofarmaci vengano spacciati come droga non deve stupire: chimicamente si tratta di droga, esattamente come le sostanze vendute in strada dai criminali.

September 30, 2020

Fumare canne a 14 anni, spacciare a 15 anni
A Firenze, un ragazzino che come tanti aveva cominciato con le canne, in pochi mesi era diventato un punto di riferimento per lo spaccio cittadino.

September 30, 2020

The Richard Evans Foundation Presents Giveaway Events for Homeless
The Richard Evans Foundation, established by entrepreneur Richard Evans conducting some charity events, helping those in need, especially the homeless.

September 30, 2020

The United Impact Fund & California Health Medical Reserve Corps Donate Respirator Masks to OLE Health to Support Underserved Communities
As part of the PRISM initiative launched by United Global Alliance, the donation is set to help minority communities in the pandemic.

September 29, 2020

United Methodist Communities Promotes Two Leaders
United Methodist Communities proudly announces the promotion of 2 of our leaders. Deborah Walsh has been promoted to corporate director of homecare services and oversees HomeWorks and Pamela Garofolo as the corporate director of tapestries.

September 28, 2020

I Ministri Volontari della Chiesa di Scientology puliscono il parco di Via Allori
Il Parco di Via Allori, situato nel Quartiere 5 di Firenze, è stato ripulito dai Ministri Volontari della Chiesa di Scientology ieri mattina, domenica 27 settembre 2020.

September 28, 2020

Online twelve hour Public Program for Kundalini Awakening & Self Realisation on 2nd October in twelve Indian national and regional languages
An online public program for Kundalini Awakening & Self Realisation on 2nd October 2020 is planned in Indian regional and national languages on the occasion of Gandhi and Sashtri Ji’s Jayanti.

September 27, 2020

The Polisario under Fire from one of their Own
Another blow to the so called leader of the Polisario, Brahim Ghali who is already under attack and criticism because of the revelations on the massive diversion of humanitarian aid and the mismanagement of the Tindouf camps.

September 26, 2020

Facebook Group Wins, Business Insider Award
Business Insider has recognized Dennett Edwards, founder of the nonprofit Corona Daze Professional Development Group, as an innovative career coach for her unique work helping marginalized and BIPOC groups affected by COVID-19.

September 25, 2020


September 24, 2020

Droga e incidenti stradali
Sono numerosi gli studi che testimoniano la stretta connessione tra assunzione di stupefacenti e incidenti stradali, ecco alcuni dati specifici.

September 24, 2020

I negozi di Lucca contro la droga
I volontari di “Un Mondo Libero dalla Droga” hanno trovato dei validi alleati nei negozianti del centro di Lucca, che hanno aderito entusiasticamente alla campagna di prevenzione sulla droga.

September 22, 2020

I Ministri Volontari della Chiesa di Scientology si prendono responsabilità di un parco cittadino
Il Parco di Via Allori, situato nel Quartiere 5 di Firenze, verrà ripulito dai Ministri Volontari della Chiesa di Scientology la prossima domenica 27 ottobre 2020.

September 22, 2020

Interior and Kitchen Magazines
medley of experiences for furniture craft and design morphing the macro experience of being in an exhibition space to our micro screens The COVID-19 pandemic has been difficult on all of us.

September 17, 2020

La droga dei ricchi nel continente povero
La cocaina, un tempo droga dell’alta società, è ormai economica al punto che anche in Africa c’è un mercato per questo distruttivo stupefacente.

September 16, 2020

Per non rischiare di perdere dei clienti, spacciavano ai ragazzi delle comunità di recupero
A Sonico in Valcamonica tre immigrati pregiudicati spacciavano cocaina ai ragazzi che stavano seguendo un percorso di recupero presso una comunità della valle.

September 16, 2020

Tracce di droga nei bicchieri delle due 15enni stuprate a Matera
Ci sarebbe la droga, assunta inconsapevolmente, all’origine dello stupro subito da due 15enni a Matera all’inizio di settembre.

September 16, 2020


September 16, 2020

On 5th September 2020, a Video guidebook was launched having stories collected by individuals who fought against mental stress in this pandemic and sought ways to motivate others for remaining stress-free.

September 12, 2020